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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Air-Powered Car

A car manufacturing company in United Kingdom has developed the AirPod, a low powered,three-seater and three-wheeled emission-free car that runs on compressed air.  The AirPod can reach speeds of about 72 km/h. It uses174 liters of compressed air. It has a joystick instead of a steering wheel. The AirPod will probably hit the roads of India and United States this year.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Robots for Elderlies

Japanese scientist have thought of a new use robots to take care of the elderly. Elderly people often suffer from forgetfulness. A "REMINDER ROBOT" was designed to help elderly remember where they put items such as medicines, or activities they have already done. The robot watches every move of its owner. It gives a warning if its owner tries to do something he or she already done.